I used a Werner Cyprus before I switched to wing paddles and had similar thoughts during the transition phase and wondered if the bent shafts of Lettmann and Galasport could be combined with their wing blades and stumbled over
but one would need "featherable, adjustable" bent shafts anyway ... ,
also looked at the cited "Why Don’t We Offer A Bent Shaft Option? By Greg Barton" , now only archived from 2009
I am also curious if there are such wings and if reasons against them remained the same. It appears you have to even grip it harder due to wing blades optimized for side movement and bent shafts for "round" movement. However, innovation starts when old prejudices are overcome, so who knows ...
I might have found that crank blade you referred to on alibab, hmm, feather and length adjustable, but guessing from the manufacturer's origin and website, this might be merely a ramdom shot just to combine something? Does not seem to be meant as a WW paddle though, see Barton link.