Hi Ken,
I have two Gara GP2's and the new
Jantex Gamma Rio 'small plus' - stiff blade - soft shaft as per Wesley's review link below. I also have an Epic Mid and all paddles are in the 205 - 215 adjustable range. I paddle in a mixture of harbour, surf zone and offshore downwind.
The GP2 and Gamma Rio feel quite similar when used in anger as they have that same 'great' initial bite and work well with a higher cadence rating. The newly designed Jantex Gamma Rio 'small plus' is lighter and a bit smaller than the GP2 with a smoother entry point when spearing the fish (which I always seem to miss). The Gamma Rio looks and feels a primo product however is priced accordingly and even though it is early in our relationship we will be going out for a very long time
There has been a lot of changes in the sizing and overall dimensions of the Gamma range now that they have the Rio version with nine different offerings so be careful if referring to the original gamma mid size, etc as all that has changed. In that range some of the actual blade trimming is quite different ... all for the better and probably heading towards the design that Kayaker Greg had his original Gamma mid modded to.
From the Gara GP2 point of view it feels a little bit more secure in the surf or very messy conditions though I've only had the Jantex for a few weeks so time will tell. The GP2 is very well finished and feels tougher in the blade construction by design than most with an obvious weight trade off so is my preferred spec ski paddle at this early stage.
That being said I have no issues with the Jantex's strength or durability as that is me just babying the newer more expensive paddle in a situation where I'm more likely to knock the hell out of it in the impact zone so i need to drop or scratch to get over that

. It downwind's just as well as the GP2 and I do appreciate its extra lightness and smother catch on the flat. It has a 29 OD shaft with a funky sort of criss cross carbon pattern which seems to give a better grip but more importantly looks very cool !!!
If I lengthen the Jantex by about 1cm it feels similar to the GP2 so either can be my goto paddle as both are well made, light enough and work well in all conditions once you get use to that style of blade compared to the Epic. I have a six year old Epic Mid heavier green shaft which use to be my fav however this now feels too big for me after using the GP2 for two years and the Gamma rio paddle for 3 weeks.
One thing to consider if buying off the Net or un paddled is the 'gamma rio small plus' is 720cm2 surface area compared to 735cm2 on the epic small mid. Being a 'Jantex' gamma vs Epic (B4) style blade, this number is not always directly comparable as it does not account for degree of twist, etc, etc (Q the paddle forum guru's who can explain this in bigger words). As an example apparently the GP2 is 702cm2 so this becomes confusing as it definitely feels larger to paddle than the Gamma Rio 'small-plus' and looks obviously so when eyeballed next to each other.
Anyway before this turns into another thread I'm 'just saying' be aware of the real world feel in the water as I've had a few mates make this mistake either buying too small or two large when just going off the specs. Paddles are a very personal thing and their testing and purchase is often secondary to ski selection.
To summarise and related back to your question both the GP2 and Gamma Rio SP are very nice mid to small type blades especially when compared to my Epic Mid. I've tried the Epic 'mid small' and would now prefer that to my Mid if that helps put things in context to what you have now. Just remember they will both be round shafts and are not elliptical like the epic which may take a while to get use to and give you a biased impression if doing a quick test. The Gara can also have a slightly smaller OD shaft called the elite which I now have and I use sports tape on it so it is similar to the standard OD size.
I've posted a good review from Wesley which seems to sum quite a bit of this up and he has some great older material on his site talking about all the manner of blades including the older Jantex Gamma and Epic Blades.
Good luck with your selection and post purchase affirmation.