× Tips and techniques for getting the most out of surfskiing.

Technique Fundamentals in Ocean

14 years 2 months ago #6121 by Colnagodreaming
Recently commenced ocean paddling and am beginning to "surf" small swells. Enjoying it tremendously (esp. when I can stay upright) but keen to learn some basic technique. Obviously time in the boat is the key, and I'm keen to learn tips in reading and riding the waves.

When I "surf" a wave coming from across the rear end (aft?) of the ski, it careers around a bit and I lose forward momentum. Is this normal?

Another question relates to the "bracing" technique with the paddle held to the side of the boat whilst moving forward. As I understand; this is done in order to stay upright and not to bring the bow around? Is this correct?

The elite surfski boys recommend looking for the holes in the waves -What does a hole look like and why lean back when surfing down into a hole? :blink:

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14 years 2 months ago #6125 by rubberDuck
Colnagodreaming wrote:

When I "surf" a wave coming from across the rear end (aft?) of the ski, it careers around a bit and I lose forward momentum. Is this normal?

It's called 'wallowing'. You don't want it, but it happens a lot when you are in the beginner phase of chasing runs. Happens less once you start getting faster and remember not to overcontrol the rudder. Too much rudder usage to either side will stall the rudder. What then happens is that the rudder acts as a 'waterbrake' (as in airbrakes for planes) and you immediately loose speed on the run and then spins out.

I hope that explains it, maybe the experienced paddlers can explain it better or correct me if I am wrong in my explanation.

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14 years 2 months ago #6142 by Dicko
What sort of boat are you paddling.

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14 years 2 months ago #6143 by Colnagodreaming
Plastic Ski, Spirit PRS elite model,made in Perth.

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14 years 2 months ago #6156 by Colnagodreaming
Come on guys !!

There must surely be a few more tips regarding surfing or reading the water you can offer to a starter ??

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14 years 1 month ago #6167 by bepe
what I would do is lean back so that the ski acts like a weather vane as such.
a weather vane points into the wind because the pivot is offset in that the "shorter end" is harder to turn around kinda.
if you shift your weight back by leaning back it should have the same effect.
I once paddled a canoe from the back and it was great going downwind but the only way to come back into the wind was basically turning around and paddling from the front. Similar principle.
Mind you when you are surfing a wave as in to the beach, paddling while leaning back is not on.
Hope that is what you had in mind

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14 years 1 month ago #6168 by Marieski
Trailing rudder or underhung rudder? My trailing rudder PRS is difficult to control in surf. That's what the V10 is for.

Past skis: Spirit PRS, EpicV10Sport Performance, Epic V10 Elite, Stellar SES Advantage. Current skis: Fenn Elite Spark, Fenn Swordfish vacuum. Custom Horizon, Epic V7

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14 years 1 month ago #6196 by Colnagodreaming
Thanks Gary and others. Appreciated. :)

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14 years 1 month ago #6200 by MikeWoodrow
Also take a look at:


Jim Walker has various YouTube and Podcast videos to get you thinking.

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