× Tips and techniques for getting the most out of surfskiing.

Help with first surfski

4 years 9 months ago #36709 by Rikard87

im about to buy my first surfski. I’m a beginner with an experience of just a few paddletours before. I’m 6”3 and weigh 95kg (athletic). I’ve found the surfski interesting because of its safety aspect and main purpose will be exercise paddling. I’ve looked into a few options and thought the forum could give me some advise and thoughts?

1. Nelo 510
2. Epic v7
3. Preowned Epic v8
4. Preowned Epic V10Sport 
5. Nordic Kayaks Exrsize

I fins it valuable to be able to store a tent or gas kitchen so I can do a overnight trip if I want to. Tough that will be at most 1-3 nights / season. So it’s not a must.
ill be paddling I a big Swedish lake Vänern. I want to be able to paddle in all conditions and as long as possible (this year all year round would of been possible due to no ice on the lake).

thanks for any help I’ll receive 

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4 years 9 months ago #36718 by agooding2
Replied by agooding2 on topic Help with first surfski
Of those boats, I am not familiar with the Nordic, but you will be a lot happier taking a composite ski on and off the car than a plastic one.  I would suggest the V8 which is plenty stable.  The V10 Sport would take a while to be comfortable in and I wouldn't want to risk a beginner paddling one in cold water.  No help on storage, I know the Stellar boats, like the S18S have space and hatches, but they may not be available there.

Nelo 550L, Streuer Fejna, Nelo Viper 55
Braca XI 705 EL blade, 17K shaft
Braca XI 675 marathon blade, 19K shaft
Braca IV 670 soft blade, 19K shaft

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  • MCImes
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4 years 9 months ago #36719 by MCImes
Replied by MCImes on topic Help with first surfski
V8 is probably the best beginner boat on your list.  The v7 has a hatch And will allow minimalist camping but is heavy.

If you are willing to give up a hatch,  go for the v8. If you demand storage,  go for the v7.

Welcome to the sport!  You will love it

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4 years 9 months ago #36720 by waverider
Replied by waverider on topic Help with first surfski
I started with a V10 sport, but had been paddling regular kayaks for 6 years prior. The V10 sport took a season just to get fully comfortable with in flat to modest conditions. Borrowed a V8 for few weeks in the middle of this and the difference was huge, it developed the confidence in slightly rougher conditions which then helped when hopping back in the v10S. Point is if you start in a v10s having not paddled skis before it is likely to take forever to develop confidence and technique. Conversely if you are mainly going to be paddling flat/ calm waters the v7/v8 will soon start to feel like slugs if you are into fitness and going fast.

Ideally you pick up a second hand V8 to learn in, you wont be carrying gear for some time while you learn, so dont need a v7, Then in 6 months or so trading that in for something else (or keep it as a second boat for rough days).

This is a good vid of someone who converted V12 to do what you are thinking of  Further Faster  . Though of course V12 is elite level..but hey dreaming cost nothing

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4 years 9 months ago #36721 by leolinha
Replied by leolinha on topic Help with first surfski
I would suggest a plastic ski only if you paddle in very rough conditions and/or in the surf zone, where a composite ski could easily be damaged. If you will paddle mostly on a lake, I don't see any advantage in a plastic ski, it is just heavier and slower.
As others already pointed out, the V8 is the perfect choice. You can't go wrong with a V8!
That was my first surfski, I paddled it for more than 3 years and was very happy with it.
Very stable, confidence inspiring. A boat you can trust. And by no means slow! With proper technique you can paddle fast in it.

Current: Epic V8 PRO, Think Evo 3
Past: Epic V8, Epic V10 Sport

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4 years 9 months ago #36723 by zachhandler
Replied by zachhandler on topic Help with first surfski
V8 is an awesome ski. You will never outgrow a v8. I paddle the tippy elite skis and olympic style k1s. I paddled a v8 for a week in Tarifa spain and for a week in Maui Hawaii. Both times I loved the v8 despite being used to much faster skis.  You will appreciate the  lightness and rigidity of a non-plastic ski every time you paddle. If you have a camping trip you have to do just borrow a sea kayak for that trip. Also be sure to get a wing paddle. You will have more power and more stability that way. 

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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4 years 9 months ago #36726 by mcnye1
Replied by mcnye1 on topic Help with first surfski
I know that this is sacrilege on this site, but you may also want to consider the fast kayaks like the Epic 18x and Stellar S18R.  They come with surfski footbraces, wide open cockpits and hulls much like the same sized surfskis so the paddling experience is much the same as a ski.  Advantages are more storage and they are warmer in cold weather.  Obviously, a ski is better in rough conditions because of the self draining cockpits.  I have several similar wooden boats so I am able to alternate between those and my skis depending upon the conditions. 

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4 years 9 months ago #36730 by tve
Replied by tve on topic Help with first surfski
I have a Nelo 510 and would highly recommend it. I'm now using an "elite" surfski and am selling my intermediate one but am keeping the 510 because it's plastic, i.e., indestructible (within reason). It's not much fun to unload from the car and carry, but if you're going camping you will be landing in various, possibly rocky places and there having a plastic ski is great. Also if you can load it onto a boat to do a 1-way trip or something like that it's again so much easier because you can just plop it down on the deck wherever it fits.
The 510 also surfs nicely although it does take more strength to get it going. I used it recently in some small half to three quarter meter waves and had lots of fun.
Overall, I would focus on the 510 or V8 if I were you, they have very different trade-offs which only you can decide.

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4 years 8 months ago #36779 by Rikard87
Replied by Rikard87 on topic Help with first surfski
Thank you all for your input! I really appreciate all your thoughts and tips. I’ve read them all and just wanted to let you all know I ended up with a Nelo 520. I’m really looking forward to get more experienced in this sport! Have a great surfski summer!

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