Justify it ! (buying the Huki that is

) , Seems like every time I have started in fixing/modifying etc. is the begining of the end.....While the price is perhaps daunting , the quality of construction and strength of laminate is awesome with Jude's skis . You can also spec. the materials , My hybrid XL with carbon cockpit weighs 25 pounds , is stiff and solid and in the year and a half I have been paddling it 3-4 days a week in varied ocean conditions has not taken on a single drop of water or demonstrated any weakness.(NOT true for my previous two other Mfg. skis). As to FG vs Carbon , the coring and laminate profile is perhaps the key to strength . Carbon is certainly stiff in layup , BUT so is FG . Cloth thickness ,Epoxy type , and build process(i.e. pre-peg vs. vacuum infusion , vs. hand layup)are perhaps more important