Men in grey suits

13 years 5 months ago #7877 by beejay65
Men in grey suits was created by beejay65
Hello all, it's been a while since i've been here as i've been off doing other activities such as MTB and running etc.

Recently I got back in the boat for an adventure race i'm doing in Perth at the end of this month.

My reason for the post title is that around Perth and waters south of here we seem to be having a lot of sightings of big sharks, in particular Great Whites.

A white about 5 metres or so was spotted in very protected waters called Cockburn sound yesterday and a young guy, 21 years old, was taken from a beach a couple of hours south of Perth 2 weeks ago. I have read on some fishing forums also that guys fishing near Perth are seeing them regularly as well.

Now I am not trying to sensationalise the issue or looking for a debate about sharks etc but I am wondering what sort of precautions guys take when paddling in open water. especially as they seem to be on the increase(at least in perth anyway).

Particularly the SA guys who also live with big sharks frequenting their waters. Do you never paddle alone? Do you never paddle in overcast whether? Do you just not think about them at all? Do you pray??!!!

I know the likelihood of an attack is remote but I still wouldn't like to go through one. Maybe I just need a cuddle or told to HTFU!


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13 years 5 months ago #7878 by Rightarmbad
Replied by Rightarmbad on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Ignorance is bliss.

Follow the path of the independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that are important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.--- Thomas J. Watson

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13 years 5 months ago #7880 by Frohan Visser
Replied by Frohan Visser on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Here in SA the sharks also tend to come closer to shore from August to about January, so one must be a bit more on the lookout when and where you paddle.
I mostly paddle on my own, Strand and Gordonsbay area in Falsebay, but try not to paddle after sunset and in overcast conditions as you said, otherwise...I just pray and hope for the best and do look over my shoulder sometimes....
I stay far away from guys on fishing kayaks and fishing boats for sure!!

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13 years 5 months ago #7881 by beejay65
Replied by beejay65 on topic Re: Men in grey suits

Rightarmbad wrote: Ignorance is bliss.

It certainly is RAB. I have to stop watching news reports I think!

Frohan, thats about the timeframe the Whites seem to appear around this way too. (No doubt they are there more than that).

We have the Humpback whale migration up and and down the coast and at this time of year large schools of Pink snapper spawn in Cockburn sound so thats no doubt one of the attractions for them.

The one spotted yesterday was taking 3 out of 4 snapper pulled to the boat. Don't know why they didn't move!

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13 years 5 months ago #7882 by Frohan Visser
Replied by Frohan Visser on topic Re: Men in grey suits
He..he..I’m trying not to bother about news reports, although its in your mind al the time your on the water….on my own I’m still training and paddling mostly like normal, but with the girlfriend in the back of the double I keep very very close to shore..!!!
Safe paddling!!

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13 years 5 months ago #7883 by rubberDuck
Replied by rubberDuck on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Last summer I had a Mako breaching about 300m ahead of me in Strand, about 500m from the beach. That's the fastest I made an about turn to head back for the beach. We also had an enormous amount of Rays here and I think the abundance of marine life attrack those on the top of the food chain maybe.

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #7888 by AR_convert
Replied by AR_convert on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Yes I only remembered about yesterdays great white sighting as I was paddling out into Cockburn sound this morning after having my paddle stroke video taken near Palm Beach :huh: After paddling up to Kwinana power station along the coast I paddled West out into the middle of the sound and headed South with the Northerly breeze to enjoy a quick downwind run.

I understand all the cockburn sound sightings over the past few years have been in the northern deeper parts of the sound and they have all been by recreational fishing boats, no doubt using burley and having bait around.

I choose to believe they wont come down the shallower Southern end of the sound as that's where I not only do around half of all my paddling but also my ocean swimming.

In the sound I dont take any precautions (Unless it's blowing a gale then I'll wear a PFD), when I head out past Garden island into the open ocean towards Penguin Island I wear a PFD, as I think the biggest issue is if one decides to see what a ski tastes like it wont leave anything left floating.

and best wishes for Augusta Beejay!

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 13 years 5 months ago by AR_convert.

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13 years 5 months ago #7895 by beejay65
Replied by beejay65 on topic Re: Men in grey suits

AR_convert wrote: I choose to believe they wont come down the shallower Southern end of the sound as that's where I not only do around half of all my paddling but also my ocean swimming.

and best wishes for Augusta Beejay!

As RAB said "ignorance is bliss"

Thanks for that Brett. I have to get through Mainpeak Multi first but!! Then it's knuckle down with the paddling to give The Doctor a crack.

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13 years 5 months ago #7898 by [email protected]
Now I understand why the Australian and South Africans Surfski paddlers are the faster ones in the World...Please send us one or two White Shark to Spanish Coast in order to improve our Surfskis Speed. Thanks in advance. ;)

Good Luck !!


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13 years 5 months ago #7899 by Frohan Visser
Replied by Frohan Visser on topic Re: Men in grey suits

[email protected] wrote: Now I understand why the Australian and South Africans Surfski paddlers are the faster ones in the World...Please send us one or two White Shark to Spanish Coast in order to improve our Surfskis Speed. Thanks in advance. ;)

Good Luck !!


Vincent, I'll send them with pleasure, actually, you can have them all!!!! Start training some intervalls!!

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13 years 5 months ago #7900 by beejay65
Replied by beejay65 on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Beat me to it Frohan. Hey Vince i'll send you ours as well and they can double team you!!

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13 years 5 months ago #7901 by [email protected]
That´s Great. I only worry about their diet, we have not seals....Maybe they will content with "PAELLA", or Potato Omelette.

Since time ago I wondering how I could improve my tecnic and Surfski speed. Sure this is the solution. Really Thank you.

I forgot it, Do you have any advice about ?. I suppose that I should avoid to fall down too much. :huh:

Seriusly, I really think that You have much value and enough "crazy" to paddle with Shark as near. Well DONE !!!

Waiting for the Sharks.

Cheers People,


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  • mronhifi123
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13 years 5 months ago #7975 by mronhifi123
Replied by mronhifi123 on topic Re: Men in grey suits
Thanks for that Brett. I have to get through Mainpeak Multi first but!! Then it's knuckle down with the paddling to give The Doctor a crack.

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