Used ski for Northern Europe/Scandinavia

  • barch
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14 years 2 weeks ago #6492 by barch
Hi all,

Anyone have a used ski in good condition somewhere in Northern Europe/Scandinavia? I'm looking for something along the lines of a Fenn XT.

I'm located in Denmark and figure I'd be able to ship by road or rail or simply collect myself.

P.S. Great site by the way.

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14 years 2 weeks ago #6493 by [email protected]

I have a glass Fenn Xt, but there is no way I am selling :) I bought mine from Morten Skytte from Hellerup kayak club. He is selling Fenn surfski in Denmark. Track him down on facebook. I became a member of Hellerup kayak club while I decided what boat to buy and he was fine with me testing the boats. I gave a bit under 13 K for mine.

Regards Kenneth

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  • barch
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14 years 2 weeks ago #6494 by barch
thanks for the info, I dropped his a message on facebook.

Funny thing is everyone in DK is telling me to either get a sea kajak or similar...too cold for a surfski they say :-)

What they don't know is that I'll be toasty warm in my 6mm surf suit and when the water warms up then the fun really begins.

Do you guys do any down wind runs here in Denmark? I do a lot of kite surfing and we have some excellent 'down winders' between Hundested and Tisvildeleje. I figure it'll be a lot of fun in the waves too that's why I'm aiming for an XT for stability (also becuase I haven't paddled in years!)...and also for the calm glass days when there isn't any kitesurfing to be had.


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14 years 2 weeks ago #6495 by Rightarmbad
Paddling in your wetsuit is a bit of a downer, rotation sucks big time because the suit sticks.
I wonder if somebody has come up with a cure for that?
Maybe some material that slips a bit to sit on?

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14 years 2 weeks ago - 14 years 2 weeks ago #6496 by T1000

I´m about to sale a Honcho Guevara, which might be interesting for you!
You can test/ pick it up in Bremen (Germany).

The overall condition is as good as new.

For pictures just pass your eMail address.

I am sure we will find a price.

Last edit: 14 years 2 weeks ago by T1000.

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14 years 2 weeks ago #6497 by Dave Francis
Talk to Lutz Erichsen of Kolding Kayak Klub...he has a (basically) new Knysna Viper imported from SA. Last I heard he was thinking of selling it, might be worth talking to him. If you want, send me a private mail, and Ill forward a contact number for him.

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14 years 2 weeks ago #6498 by [email protected]
Surfski are fairly new in Denmark, so there is no big/tiny group of surfski paddlers that I know of. Most kayak clubs don't have these boats and shops that I have been in don't have any demo boats. I paddle in a longjohn, it is a bit different made then a wetsuit and it doesn't stick. I am actually paddling in the waters between Amager and Sjælland which at the moment are frozen solid :(, so I am not aware of any Danish Millers runs. Maybe when I become a better paddler I will seek something that's more of a challenge :) There is also a Swedish site called, they have a surfski spring camp coming up soon. Most of the time the wind is coming from west, and between Hundested and Tisvildeleje there is no protection so I can understand your going for a Fenn XT :)

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14 years 2 weeks ago #6509 by T1000
I´m so glad to realize that Germany isn´t the only country in which surfskis are common like dolphin in the baltic... (unfortunately I can see no/only small improvement unlike far north) :(
It might be still a bit annoying to wrap yourself into a drysuit but then your are properly dressed for these temperatures (with no obstruction in movement) & you have much more fun than dragging sea kayaks.
I also started with kayaking to have an wind-independant sport alternative. It hadn´t taken that long and I have paddled the majority of my spare time. Kiteboarding is now my favorite option when wind conditions are becoming to hard for my ski abilities.

Especially if you prefer to use a surfski in the roughest conditions I am not sure if you need a ski which is that stable... it can get a bit boring.
It is the best to test & compare which is- & will be best for you... esp. after some practice/ improvement!

Greetings from the south,

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  • barch
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14 years 2 weeks ago - 14 years 2 weeks ago #6511 by barch
Hi Simon, Dave,

Simon: I might be interested in that ski you have, please drop me an email on email address below.

Dave, likewise - I'd appreciate Lutz Erichsen's email address if you have it.

my email is:
simonbarchard__ (at)
(without the underscores)

Last edit: 14 years 2 weeks ago by barch.

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  • Arnt
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14 years 1 week ago #6521 by Arnt
Used Think Legend fibreglass in Stavanger (Norway):
Used Legend

Ut I Naturen As in Stavanger is the Norwegian distributor for:
Think, Carbonology Sport and Sipre:
Surfskis Norway
AND you now get 20% on Think skis til March 15th.
Carbonology container arrive end April.

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13 years 11 months ago #6680 by mortenlinding
Hi Simon

I live in Frederikssund.

I bought 2 surfski last year.A Honcho GURU and a Robberg Express from Jurgen i Berlin ( arranged a test near Puttgarden, so we could test different skies.He has a great service.

If you want to see and maybe try our skies, just contact me.


Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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  • barch
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13 years 11 months ago #6681 by barch
Hi Morten,
That's really close to where I work, which in Slangerup so drop me your email address - maybe we can get a North Coast (Sealand) paddle group going! :-)

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13 years 11 months ago #6682 by mortenlinding
Hi Simon

mortenlinding snabela

Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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