A surfski paddler from Denmark

14 years 7 months ago #4971 by mortenlinding

I live in Denmark and surfski is new to me. I do have 15 years of K1 experience.
Just got my first surfski a Robberg express.

I think this is a great that you can paddle in alot of different conditions in the same boat an have fun at the same time.
There are few surfski paddlers here in Denmark but i think the numbers will grow.
The Danish championship in seakayak (300km in 6 days) was won in a UNO surfski this summer.


Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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14 years 7 months ago #4974 by Stew
Hey Morten,

I was on the island of Ven a few weeks ago. Heading back to mainland Sweden in the afternoon, the wind had picked up, there were some great runs. And 20 degree water too. Lovely place to paddle if the conditions are right.

Have fun out there.

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14 years 7 months ago #4978 by [email protected]
Welcome to surfski, Morten!

Yep, fun is totally what it's about...

Happy paddling!

Currently Epic V10 Elite, Epic V10 Double.
Previously: Swordfish S, Evo II, Carbonology Zest, Fenn Swordfish, Epic V10, Fenn Elite, Red7 Surf70 Pro, Epic V10 Sport, Genius Blu, Kayak Centre Zeplin, Fenn Mako6, Custom Kayaks ICON, Brian's Kayaks Molokai, Brian's Kayaks Wedge and several others...

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14 years 3 months ago #5768 by Dave Francis
Hi Morten,

I’m also a new to surfski and living in Denmark. Just got my ski late last summer and only got one proper downwind in, and I loved it. I’m paddling a K1 for over 20 years now, and can’t remember ever giggling like a child while out training in a K1...but riding on a few of those rollers in the surfski, yes!
Like you say, it’s only going to grow in Denmark, there’s plenty of coastline.... the problem I think at the moment is nobody is aware of who else is paddling skis. We need a website or facebook group or something. I had thought about trying to organise an ‘unofficial’ series of races for next year, but really don’t know the best way to go about it (would there be some requirement for insurance etc.)....unfortunately my Danish isn’t fantastic which doesn’t help either. Anyway, I’m living just south of Kolding, if you want to meet up for a paddle some time, let me know. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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14 years 3 months ago #5769 by mortenlinding
Hi Dave

I only know a few surfski paddlers here in Denmark.
They are located arround Copenhagen.
3 of them live i Frederikssund my self and my wife included.
This summer there was a surf ski class in a race called Kronborgløbet. The race was held in Helsingør by the kayak club called Krogen.
I could be fun to meet up for some paddling in the future. my mail is :[email protected]


Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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14 years 3 months ago #5770 by Bjørn Amundsen
Dear Danish paddlers
I´ve participated in several races in a surf ski this year. Even though the sport is new in Denmark I´m not the only one. If you look up Dubai Shamaal 5 Danes have so far announced their participating, which is better than last year.
Off course it would be very nice if the class grew a little faster. So dear Morten and Dave if you are not going to Dubai this December please come to Vinterræs on Amager the 12th of december.
I look forward to see you.
Bjørn - probably the only Uno-padler in DK

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14 years 3 months ago #5772 by mortenlinding
Hi Bjørn

See you the 12th of December on Amager


Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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14 years 3 months ago #5773 by Dave Francis
Ye, I'll give Amager a go on the ski too....now where could I get wetsuit leggings??? Guess it wont be quite as warm as Dubai! Maybe one of you 'rigtig danskerer' could put up a post on the DKF website to see if you could find another 1 or 2 guys who paddle skis?

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14 years 3 months ago #5774 by mortenlinding
Hi Dave

Looking forward to see you. :-)
There should be a couple of dealears in your area, where you should be able to buy wetsuit/drysuit. Try kajakgaarden.dk in Kolding.


Current ski: Carbonology Vault Hybrid 1. Gen / Nordic kayaks Storm / SS2 Carbonology Zest

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14 years 3 months ago #5822 by Stew
Hey Franner,

Great to hear you have discovered the joys of surf ski paddling, you're going to have a ball when you start racing.

As I posted above, I was over your way during your Summer (out on the island of Ven), out on a boat, and there were some great afternoon conditions, was gagging to have a ski there. Not sure if you are near that neck of the woods.

Have a chat with Graham, himself and a few of the UK guys head to the Euro Challenge in Spain at the start of the Summer which sounds like an unreal weekend.

All the best,


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14 years 3 months ago #5826 by Dave Francis
Good man Stew,
If you're over this way again, defo give us a shout...be great to meet up and see how it's done by an expert! Conditions here couldn't be better right now...might get above zero for an hour or 2 this week....if we're lucky.

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14 years 3 months ago #5827 by Stew
Zero all week? Maybe get the erg out and balance it on some swiss balls to keep you going over the Winter!

There's actually a really strong surf ski community in Sweden, tap into those guys, maybe see what they have done and try replicate it in Denmark. They've got their own nationals champs which draws some unreal paddlers. Lots of knowledge and experience to draw upon to get things going in your local neck of the woods.

Down to the Craft shop and pack a few extra thermals would be next on the list!!


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