OnoPaddles P-41 rudder on a V10 - tips ?

15 years 10 months ago #3261 by scott cole
I recently bought the OnnoPaddles P-41 rudder, plus bracket to attach to my V10. Patrick has been really helpful as I take the first daring steps to drill a hole in my boat .... but he doesn't have any pics of it.

Is there anybody out there that has installed this P-41 rudder on a V10 that can show me how it sits on the transom ? One of my questions is whether it should sit flush with the top of the boat or whether it should stick up a bit ? Any other tips regarding installation and position of bracket greatly appreciated.

I am referring to this rudder:

scott from Sweden...

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15 years 10 months ago #3262 by Chaz
I think I may have been his first P-41 on a V10 so I'll try to explain how I did mine. I set the top of the bracket level with the deck so it wouldn't be in the water that much if any on flat water, make sure you lever it first and put some marks on it before you install. I epoxyed it and screwed it to the boat. Since I switch back between my homemade understern 3" rudder and the P 41 I bought a shaft to go in were the understern goes and another of the factory clamps so It sticks up off the deck my 1". I used pinch bolts on the front to still be able to adjust my SS cables when needed. Another freind drilled cable housing into the deck and under the rudder cover for a sleaker look but he can't go back to the understern like I can. I'm not sure were my pictures are but if I can find then I'll post some for you. Good luck I love mine and it's truely a work of art. Mines banged up alittle from last weekends river race. Well creek race I guess, but it's really alot stronger than you'd think by looking at the carbon. Chaz

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15 years 10 months ago #3263 by scott cole
thanks man. appreciate that. Sounds like a good idea with that shaft sticking up, I hand't thought of that. But man, if you had some pics that would great (A pic is worth a thousands words....)

not sure what pinch bolts are .... and SS ?


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  • Chaz
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15 years 10 months ago #3264 by Chaz
Scott, SS = stainless steal cables, and pinch bolts have screws on each side and the cable slides in the center then you tighten each screw to "pinch" the cable in the middle. I'll have to take some new pictures of my set up and try to post then. Chaz

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15 years 9 months ago #3302 by scott cole

have you had time to take some pics yet ? I'm still very interested in seeing your set up, thanks much !


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