If you`re desperate, two universal clips from a hardware store and a pice of plastic piping work great. Cut the tube to a reasonable length to spread the load and then use a saw to cut a line down through the length of it, that way it can tighten on the paddle shaft as you do the clips up.
If you want the paddle length to be longer than the minimum, then you might want to put another (narrower) plastic tube inside the split section - it will add strength and help to keep water out of the shaft.
It`s not pretty and the clips can cut your skin very easily in surf when your fingers are wet - but it works!
189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy