Thanks so much for tapping in Wesley and a coincidence as well. Just last night i was reading some of your reviews and speed/stability tests of many boats including the s18s and it was there you wrote about different builds can perform differently.
I have taken your advice about the above info which you also advised another paddler to check in another post. I have to say it feels like it has made a world of difference to me as far as feeling in connected to the boat and also increases the ease to rotate. I guess i set myself up as a touring kayak position. You are spot on about me not applying constant pressure to the foot peddles, i tend to not lock the upper part of my foot resulting in slack/lose rudder control and now that you mentioned it, it felt exactly like my rudder was flapping around. I can also see how pushing from the heels would help the bow of the boat in swell. It felt really good on dry land test this morning and cant wait to get on the water and practice. Yes i have a padded seat but its only about 5mm max, prob only elevates me 3mm by the time i sit on it. I was not well last year and lost 17kg and that hard plastic takes its toll on me after 30mins. A padded seat allows me to stay on the water for hours. The back rest is not in my way when im in a good posture, in fact it reminds me when i start to lean back. Its simply to rest back on every 20mins or so while i take a breather. Would this be an issue?
Yes i am still using the 8 inch understern rudder but since i paddle in shallow waters many of the times i have the smart track over stern rudder arriving tomorrow as im always worried about striking rocks. I imagine that the 8inch rudder would give more stability that an over stern one would?? So i should expect less stability with my over stern?
Lessons are definetly in the near future, if only they were closer.
Your advice and tips have been very helpful. The way you explained the boats behaviour causes makes so much sense when i think back paddling under the rip bridge. Even though i was thrown around alot and was pretty scared, i never capsized

Thanks a million Wesley