Any old threads worth re-reading?

  • MCImes
  • Visitor
6 years 2 weeks ago - 6 years 2 weeks ago #33523 by MCImes
Any old threads worth re-reading? was created by MCImes
I joined the forums ~5 years ago and have read them very regularly since plus some rummaging around in the archives, but are there any old threads that stick out in your mind as being particularly good reads? 

Could be anything from paddling technique, boat comparisons, the merits of one technique or another, remounting, cold water protection... anything really.

If you remember an old thread that was particularly helpful to you, link it here to revive some old but good information!
Last edit: 6 years 2 weeks ago by MCImes.

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6 years 2 weeks ago #33526 by JonathanC
Not sure about old thread, but thinking back had a hit of nostalgia.....wonder whatever happened to forum member RAB ? He certainly spiced things up a bit ! 

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6 years 2 weeks ago #33527 by CrabStick
I can recommend "One for the thinkers" featuring a brilliant wind-up job by least I hope it was a wind-up or he indeed does live in an alternative reality. If you can get through it without wanting to suggest an experiment featuring some petrol in his bucket then you're doing a lot better than me!!

CrabStick, Perth Western Australia
Current Boats: Epic V9 ultra, Fenn Swordfish S, Fenn Spark S
Previous: Think Eze, Stellar SR, Carbonology Boost LV, Fenn BlueFin S

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5 years 10 months ago #34074 by Watto
Hi Crabstick see you're a new boarder (and remarkably adept given your birthdate Oct 2018 in your profile) so you're probably not aware of RAB's history. Rob banned/exorcised him a couple of years ago now after a series of tempestuous posts and aggro and it seems a fair bit of BS-ing. One that sticks in mind was his maintaining some incredibly high (60 kmh plus?) speed on some wave or other and despite pretty much universal skepticism and calls for him to back this up, no details ever forthcoming. He was entertaining and I think a capable and knowledgeable paddler however really did stir the pot a lot and came over for me ultimately as a dick.

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5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #34075 by Fath2o
Rab (right arm bad) was quite entertaining and was good at getting us all riled up! I think some of the more entertaining, albeit controversial, posts have been deleted.
Remember that guy from the US that wanted to travel
around Europe camping with a ski and a maid or slave or something like that?  To funny!
Boyon's post about the "Surfski 600", or what ever it was, turned hysterical IMO.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Fath2o.

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5 years 10 months ago #34076 by Scode
This was one of my fav threads:  Teardrop vs parallel edge wing for flatwater. Kayakchampeen obviously new lots and lots about paddles and was super informative but is not a fan of Wesley Echols and it degenerated a bit towards the end, well worth a read though if you want to know a bit of history about the development of the wing paddle.

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5 years 10 months ago #34077 by Watto
Haha remember him well, hasn’t posted for quite awhile and right on, he really knew his stuff but knew he knew it tell the world a bit, hence his tag. Did descend rather bitterly, having said that the whole forum pretty gentlemanly/womanly and respectful of different views for the most part. Except for the arseholes who don’t agree with me anyway. :)

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5 years 10 months ago #34085 by downwinda
True story.  Several years ago Kayakchampeen made an asinine comment on a Facebook post of mine.  I had no clue who he was, our only mutual friend was Don Keisling.  Anyway, I decided to google Franklin Lewis and see who the hell he was.  The first thing that came up was that post on blades.  As I read through I was convinced he was an a$$hole of the first degree and blocked him.    Ohh, and in the Google search, a couple results of races around the Seattle area also came up, and, at least when he was in a surfski, he was far from being any kind of champion .  

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5 years 10 months ago #34086 by zachhandler
Franklin Lewis was US wildwater champion for a couple years in the 90s. So he is a far better paddler than any of us will ever be. I actually really respect old athletes who come out to race again long after their prime, when all sorts of random people beat them with ease. That shows a love of the sport and a degree of humility that are commendable. I do remember his posts. He definitely came off as a dick. I also remember him later apologizing on this forum for being a dick. That shows a conscience and again some humility. I never met the guy.  He sure knew a lot about wing paddles and I am glad he was generous with his wisdom. 

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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