@Dicko, I carry my boat on my head too. A shoulder carry is impractical for a .3 mile / 7 minute walk (for me at least). As a former Minnesotan, we associate carrying boats "centered on your shoulders". The ONLY good thing about the bathtub that is the SR g1 bucket is that it perfectly spans my shoulders and my head keeps the front to back balance, and I can walk with no hands on the boat in winds <10mph. Just saying, theres more than 1 way to carry a boat
Douglas, I have the SR g1 and its exactly the boat you're looking for minus 1 thing, which has been mentioned; the bucket is basically a double person hammock. Put foam and filler wherever you can. In flat water it doesnt matter, but as soon as you're in waves big enough to swamp the cockpit, it will happen repeatedly and often. Whoever designs the buckets at stellar should be fired. They're all bathtubs and absolutely horrid in waves. They swamp easily, are huge, drain slowly, and are wayyyy bigger than they need to be. Also, the G1 rudder is terrible as well (not sure about the g2, but if you think its under powered for your typical conditions, get a DK rudder). Last critique, the g1 does not surf very well due to a lack of rocker. I mean, it will surf, but not nearly as well or easily as a high rocker boat like a Fenn. Other than that, the SR is a great boat. Its stable enough that I am rarely flipped unintentionally, and when I am its usually in the surf so that kinda doesnt count. On the flats, I can lay back and drink a beer. In the ocean its stable enough to instill confidence.
Overall I think you made the right choice and will be happy with the SR.