Apologies for the size of post.
Does paddler weight affect the characteristics of a surf ski, such as stability? With paddler weight varying dramatically, and the potential impact large, this must surely be a highly important issue for surf ski paddlers, yet one which seems to be frequently overlooked, despite being fundamental to ski performance.
We can put the issue of speed to one side. The impact of weight on speed is well documented. Added weight increases the volume of the hull in contact with the water, and the drag reduces speed at around 1/6th of the percentage increase in weight.
But what happens to stability? The generally accepted concept is that a larger paddler weight increases stability. But is this really correct?
There are several factors that would appear to decrease stability as paddler weight increases:
• Added paddler weight may raise the centre of gravity
• Added paddler weight could increase the momentum accompanying ski rotation
• Paddler weight also changes the position of the waterline relative to the hull. For heavier paddlers, the waterline may sit where the sides of the ski are more vertical – which would decrease stability.
• For lighter paddlers the waterline would sit where the hull has greater curvature which would increase stability. (The greater hull curvature results in more water displacement and resistance on the side of the ski dipping into the water, than on the side rising out of the water).
With these questions in mind, I thought it may be worth doing some practical testing, and I’ve described the results below. The tests I conducted are highly subjective, brief, limited in scope, largely unscientific and most definitely prone to error. Nevertheless the tests did start to give me some practical insights.
The most obvious limitations were that I was adding dead weight, not live weight, and could not replicate the way increases in body weight would be distributed over a whole body. I’ve tried to take this into account when interpreting the results. I was also limited to testing this in a deep water location while carrying a fair amount of extra weight. If I had access to a shallower location I would have liked to run the tests more aggressively.
For safety I ran preliminary-tests in a pool. This gave me a rough idea of what was going to happen and enabled me to confirm that remounts were feasible. I made sure that any weights attached to my body were dive-style weights which could be quickly removed if needed, and I was wearing a life jacket sufficient to provide floatation to the total weight. There is a fine line between being buoyant and sinking. When close to neutral buoyancy, the addition or subtraction of a single dive weight was enough to swing the pendulum from buoyant to sinking or vice versa, and I wanted to be on the right side of that equation.
The next step was to run some tests out on the water proper. The bare paddler weight was 68kg, ski was a Stellar SES Excel 11kg, conditions were 5-7knots, small wind chop and mild boat wakes. Apart from an initial, longer run, the tests involved paddling the ski (with differing weight configurations) for around 5 minutes each over a short circuit involving paddling into wind, wind behind, wind across, a sharp turn and some manoeuvring into a landing zone. As noted, in a shallower environment it would have been good to extend this.
Test 1: Base Case No Weight Added
Took the ski for a 45 minute paddle to get a good feel for the normal set-up. Wind was stronger than the later tests (around 12 knots) and a greater number of boat wakes. Boat performed well in all directions, riding satisfactorily over 2 foot wakes taken broadside, some bounciness could be felt broadside to wind-chop.
Test 2: Added 10kg to Paddler Torso (dive weights added to life jacket - approximately waist level)
Very large increase in sensation of instability. Needed to carefully control body movements and paddling stroke to avoid taking a dive. I believe the dominant effect here was that the added weight raised the centre of gravity and that this overwhelmed any other benefit that may have accrued from the added weight. This was surprising as the added weight at waist level was only fractionally higher than hip level where I believe the centre of gravity for a paddler normally sits.
Test 3: Added 10kg near Paddler Thighs (weights added directly under lower thighs)
Moderate increase in the resistance of the ski to outside factors. The sensation of the ski bouncing over a broadside wind-chop disappeared. There were no problems in paddling aggressively. Felt a little bottom heavy requiring the paddler to manhandle the ski. I would interpret these outcomes as (a) the weight slightly lowering the centre of gravity and (b) the added weight increasing the inertia of the ski relative to outside factors such as the force of a wave.
Test 4: Added 5kg to Paddler Thighs and 5kg to Paddler Torso (waist height)
Moderate increase in the resistance of the ski to outside factors. The sensation of the ski bouncing over a broadside wind-chop disappeared. There were no problems in paddling aggressively. Felt less bottom heavy than Test 3. I suspect this test did not change the centre of gravity from the base case (with weight added both higher and lower) and accordingly this may most closely represent a heavier paddler of similar weight distribution to a lighter paddler. As the results were similar to Test 3, it suggests that the dominant factor in Test 3 may have been increasing the inertia of the ski, rather than lowering the centre of gravity.
Test 5: Added 10kg to Paddler Thighs and 10kg to Paddler Torso (waist height)
Moderate increase in the resistance of the ski to outside factors, but NOT noticeably more than Test 3 or 4. The added weight at waist height increased the sensation of instability, despite this being balanced by added weight at the thighs. A doubling of the added weight should have improved the inertia benefit, however overall stability declined. One possible explanation is that the 20kg of extra weight was sufficient to sink the curved area of the hull below the waterline leaving the less stable vertical sides of the hull at water level. A second explanation is that the greater dead weight around my waist restricted my ability to manoeuvre my body. This test may represent the situation for a heavier paddler who struggles to manoeuvre their body effectively. While the added weight may improve inertia, it was more difficult to keep the weight balanced.
Test 6: No Weight Added
This was a re-check of the base case. The general stability was no different to test 3 and 4. The ski was easier to manoeuvre and accelerate. However the ski was definitely more bouncy across a broadside chop than in the tests carrying extra weight.
Concluding Thoughts
Ski stability appears to be a product of (a) hull shape near the waterline (b) centre of gravity and (c) the ability of the ski to resist external forces through (c.1) inertia (dead weight) and (c.2) effective body positioning.
Assuming that the ski is sufficiently sized relative to the paddler, the hull shape (a) should be a non-issue for paddlers of different weight, but would be an issue if the paddler was too heavy for the ski.
Centre of gravity (b) potentially has a large impact, and does vary for paddlers of differing builds. It is possible an individual with more relative weight in the legs may have greater inherent stability in a ski than an individual with more relative upper body weight. However an increase in paddler weight that is proportionate across the paddler’s body may not change the centre of gravity or stability.
The paddler’s ability to successfully manoeuvre their body weight to counteract the influence of the sea (c.2) is clearly a significant influence on stability. I include in this category the paddler’s ability to generate speed and acceleration. To the extent that this ability is attributable to experience, technique and flexibility, then paddler weight is irrelevant (unless it unduly affects technique or flexibility). Speed and acceleration may be influenced by paddler weight and strength, but this is a two way street. Increased weight slows the ski, but this may be offset by increased power.
The inertia or dead weight (c.1) of the ski and paddler clearly has some impact on stability, with the influence relating to how fast, how slow, and how much the ski will be pushed around by the sea. The ability to resist the sea conditions will depend on the weight of paddler and ski relative to the surface area of the ski impacted by the force of the sea (ie not all of a ski’s surface area is affected by a wave). For example, the force of an approaching wave may be spread over only a few centimetres of exposed hull above the waterline, but for some or all of the length of the ski. This force will be resisted by the weight of the paddler and ski on the other side of that hull.
While this theory makes sense it is worth considering that in the tests this inertia factor was only reflected in the presence or lack of bounciness, it did not tip me out, and it was much less of a factor than body position and centre of gravity. So while the inertia (bounciness) factor has some impact, it is difficult to say how material that influence is. At the least it is probably fair to assume that in significantly heavier conditions or at differing levels of skill, the inertia (bounciness) factor is one contributor to staying upright.
Assuming the inertia factor has some influence on stability, it follows that – for a fixed ski size – a heavier paddler would provide greater resistance per metre of ski surface area affected by a wave than a lighter paddler. Or flipping this around for ski designers – to have the same resistance/inertia characteristics – ski size (predominantly length) would need to be proportioned to the combined weight of paddler and ski. IF the relationship was straight line ( I’m not sure that is the case), this would suggest that if 6.4m is an ideal ski length for a 90kg paddler and an 11kg ski, you could achieve the same stability in a proportioned ski at around 5.7m for an 80 kg paddler, 5.1m for 70kg, and 4.5m for 60 kg.
However this would also need to be considered against any impact that changed length may have on speed. I note that Ralph Baker’s work on optimal length for speed shows 6.0m +/- 0.5m as optimal for a 90kg paddler and 5.3m +/- 0.5m as optimal at 70kg (assuming a ski weight similar to my example), with a greater penalty for being too short, and only a small penalty for being too long.
I also note Ralph Baker’s conclusions that optimal performance from a ski would be obtained by tailoring ski size to the individual athlete’s physical attributes – particularly weight.
The current suite of elite skis on the market vary in size from 6.1m to 6.4m, which appropriately appears to err on the side of greater length, but which is clearly a far more limited range than Ralph Baker’s work on speed and my very rough testing on paddler weight suggests. The recent introduction of the Epic V11 at 5.8m opens this range a little wider.
It is/will be great to see designers with the requisite facilities researching and testing the benefits and disadvantages of ski sizes. All paddlers are different sizes and weights and I’d guess that pretty much everyone is interested to know whether proportionately sized skis will make a material difference or not to overall performance.