Nice guys in San Diego and Jude

11 years 7 months ago #17610 by wannagofast
I was on vacation a few months ago. Brought my Kayak paddle because I was going on a tour with family. I hate the plastic rental paddles. I also had a secret hope that I possible could bump into someone with a kayak/ski. I did. Jude, owner of Huki was demoing skis at an outrigger event next to my hotel in the Mission bay area. He let me help my self to his skis. What a fantastic ambassador for the sport.

The next morning I was eating my Fruit Loops on the beach at the back bay in San Diego. I was recalling the fun I had paddling the Huki skis. I wish I could have been in some rougher water to test out the stability. Just then a group of guys show up with skis on there cars. I thought, wouldn't that be something if one of them had an extra ski with them. Right then a car drives up with two skis and one passenger. HMMM? maybe? Is it ok to ask a stranger if you can paddle his boat? I don't paddle enough to know kayak educate. So I might as well ask. The guy says sure. Take it. I run and get my paddle. we take off across the bay. I notice were heading to the Pacific Ocean. Ive only been in small boat chop. These guys took care of me and got me back with out a swim. I did discover the boat had a leak. I didn't complain to much. I was so happy to go. These guys were so gracious. Hey San Diego guys. I had such a positive experience. Im getting out about 3 time a week. I think about that paddle trip every time I go out. I shall return

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