RightImBad wrote: A quick question: somebody says they are faster on the oceans with waves than they are on flat water, how come? If it's because they ride with the waves i can understand it but not if the track ends where it starts.
You are right, it's because the ski can ride the swell and smaller wind generated waves we refer to as "runners". While headed directly downwind will be faster you will be slowed by falling off the back of these runners. The trick to going much faster is once you are on the runner is to chose a direction, left or right and move across the runner so as the runner degenerates you dont fall off the back of it ( which can often fill the bucket of the ski with water) you carry that speed generated off the runner and with experience you will pick the right direction to head and link the end of that runner with the beginning of another runner which accelerates you again and allows a high average speed.
While it is slower going upwind it wouldn't necessarily balance your downwind speed, it would depend on how big the seas were, but I would guess you will still have been overall faster than if on the flat in my opinion/experience.
There are guys I know who I can beat on 20km flat water races no problems but put them in the ocean and they will paddle away from me, purely because their choice of which direction to to go on the runners is so much better through lots of experience.