
Thursday, 29 May 2008 14:09 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Adventure racer Ola Olsson was paddling a Sisson Defender but wasn't happy with the way it performed in open waters. He liked the Epic V10 but wanted to use it in rivers and lakes for training and racing.

Kick-up rudder assembly
Ola Olsson's kick-up rudder assembly (Pic: Erik Wildenstam)

Thursday, 17 April 2008 08:26 | Category : Latest Surfski News

I enjoy the science and design of surfskis nearly as much as paddling them and have experimented with a number of things including:

  • A low aspect ventral fin under the seat of the paddler
  • A winged rudder with an endplate
  • A hydrofoil located on the bow of the ski

Articulated Surfski rudder
Dale Lippstreu's articulated rudder (Pic: Dale Lippstreu)

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