Big Wave Surfski - Kalk Bay

Thursday, 25 December 2008 06:55 | Written by 
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"Meet at Kalk Bay Harbour, 12:30 - huge waves!" So read the text message from Owen Middleton.  An unusual storm swell had entered False Bay and we were going to film some paddlers surfing the resulting waves just outside Kalk Bay Harbour.


Early Shift

Owen had been out once already to film Dawid Mocke - but that had been at low tide and the conditions were really dangerous.  Dawid had had to take off right over the rocks and they'd decided to have another go at high tide.

Dawid would be back at work - but his younger brother Jasper would be there to give us something to film.


The waves were coming through in sets - and Jasper caught (and was caught by) some massive drops...

I found it difficult to keep the camera steady in the croc - which bounces on every ripple - but managed to catch sufficient footage to make the clip below.

Owen's Still Shots? 

During the shoot Owen was whooping at the back of the croc as his camera clicked away, recording the massive drops and wipe-outs...

When he got back home though he found... that the auto-focus on the camera had become disengaged on the way out...  Through the plastic of the camera's spray cover he hadn't noticed. 

Not one of the shots was usable...  His remarks were unprintable!

But next time a big pulse comes through to the bay, we'll be there!

Happy Holidays!

I'm off to do one of our beloved Millers Runs - I'll be on the water in about an hour - and I hope all our readers are having the same amount of fun on their holiday!  Happy Christmas (Hannukah or whatever!) everyone!