It’s Mocke and Mocke in Mauritius

Sunday, 30 June 2013 05:47 | Written by 
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Dawid Mocke makes 3/3 at the 2013 Mauritius Ocean Classic Dawid Mocke makes 3/3 at the 2013 Mauritius Ocean Classic Credits: Rob Mousley/

Dawid Mocke showed once more why he’s the reigning Surfski World Series Champion, by winning the Mauritius Ocean Classic for the third time running in a time of 1:19:05.  Hank McGregor finished just over a minute later (1:20:14) having outsprinted Jasper Mocke (1:20:20) for second place.  Nikki Mocke took control of the women's race, winning in 1:31:59.

Some wind, some waves, fun was had by all

The flags fluttering at the start told the story: instead of the flat calm conditions of last year, a cool breeze was kicking up just enough in the way of waves to make it a downwind race – and the paddlers reveled in the conditions.

Fair Start

For the technically minded, the race was started on the water, between boat and buoy set only about 50m apart.  Race director Dean Gardiner explained that the field is far easier to control that way.  The top twenty seeds in the race were named beforehand and lined up in the front row, with everyone else filling in behind.  The precise start time was flexible, and the horn sounded when front row was lined up.

Mauritius Ocean Classic

Lining up for the start

Hot pace

Right from the start, the leaders set a cracking pace and very quickly the lead group broke up with Hank McGregor and Dawid Mocke pulling ahead with Matt Bouman close behind.

Mauritius Ocean Classic

Just after the start, McGregor moves to the front, the Mocke brothers close behind

McGregor stayed in the lead for the first 10-15min, but Mocke fought back, veering off to take his own line some 50m seawards.  Matt Bouman wasn’t far off the pace, while Jasper Mocke and Barry Lewin were dueling some way back.

Mauritius Ocean Classic

And then there were three - McGregor and Mocke neck and neck with Bouman close behind

Grant van der Walt meanwhile took a line far out to sea, with Herman Chalupsky in hot pursuit.

Conditions improved steadily, and although it was never a case of paddles-down and surf, it was clear that the paddlers were working the runs to maximum advantage.

“You had to concentrate,” said Dawid Mocke.  “You could back off and ride the runs, but to drop off the back of even one would have been fatal.”

Game over

Some 5km out from the turn at Le Morne, we saw Mocke surge ahead, creating a 50m gap on McGregor.  For a while the gap stayed at 50m but suddenly McGregor slowed perceptibly.  The gap widened dramatically and a minute or two later we saw him slip off his ski and remove a large piece of seaweed from his rudder.

Mauritius Ocean Classic

Mocke slips into the lead

Remounting quickly, he set off in pursuit, still in second position, but it was game over; he was just too far back to catch a rampant Mocke who was already heading into the Le Morne reef channel.

Le Morne

The notorious channel was benign today, but still caught a number of paddlers who ventured too near the reef.

The first victim was Grant van der Walt who found himself too far on the inside of a breaker.  He did no damage but lost time (and 3 places) while a rescue boat reunited him with his ski.  Others were not so fortunate and while there were no broken boats, there were a number of smashed or bent rudders.

Grant van der Walt

Grant van der Walt - about to take a swim

Sprint Finish – for second

For the front runners, Le Morne was a mixed bag – Mocke caught a small wave, but didn’t get much help through the pass.  McGregor and Jasper Mocke on the other hand both rode the shoulders of waves in and made up ground on Dawid Mocke.  

Hank McGregor

McGregor takes a wave through Le Morne

As usual, the channel had rafts of weed, that couldn’t always be avoided; Matt Bouman was victim to a “tree” and had to dismount to clear his rudder.

Dawid Mocke finished just over a minute clear, leaving his brother to challenge McGregor for second place.  That wasn’t go to happen and Jasper Mocke backed off and took third 6 seconds behind McGregor.

Jasper Mocke and Hank McGregor

Jasper Mocke and Hank McGregor sprint for the finish

“I’m absolutely delighted to take this one,” said Dawid Mocke.  “My dad always said, a win is good, but the real test is defending your title.

“It was an intense race,” he went on.  “You had to really focus on the conditions.  Miss one wave and you were gone.  I just concentrated on catching each little wave, and then converting it to a second and third when it was possible.”

Barry Lewin's Video Blog

South African paddler Barry Lewin scored fifth place - and made a great video that gives a flavour of the race conditions - look for the two runs he caught through Le Morne!


Click here for Barry's Youtube channel - he made a video every day of the event - check out the awesome footage of snorkeling with dolphins

Women’s race

Nikki Mocke dominated the women’s race, moving into the lead at the start and paddling away from the rest of the 11-strong field.  She finished just over 12 minutes behind her husband (in 1:31:59) to make it Mocke and Mocke for the titles.  (“Mocke Ocean Classic”, anyone?!)

Nikki Mocke

Someone definitely doesn't want to be beaten by a chick!  Nikki Mocke wins the women's race.

Aussie Ruth Highman came in second in 1:39:43, with Capetonian Samantha Murray making it onto the podium in 1:45:00.

And as for the event as whole…

...the most common refrain was: “we’ll be back!”.

Mauritius Ocean Classic

The top ten women

Mauritius Ocean Classic

Top Ten Men


Click here for more photos

Full Results

1 Dawid Mocke 1.19.05 South Africa
2 Hank McGregor 1.20.14 South Africa
3 Jasper Mocke 1.20.20 South Africa
4 Matt Bouman 1.21.11 South Africa
5 Barry Lewin 1.21.50 South Africa
6 Herman Chalupsky 1.22.12 South Africa
7 Tom Schilperoort 1.22.51 South Africa
8 Oscar Chalupsky 1.22.55 South Africa
9 Grant Van Der Valt 1.23.34 South Africa
10 Brendan Rice 1.25.47 Australia
11 Robert Barry 1.25.58 Australia
12 Dane Farrell 1.28.16 Australia
13 Gary R. Handerson 1.28.24 Australia
14 Dean Gardiner 1.29.14 Australia
15 Mark Ressel 1.30.16 UK
16 Brendan Currin 1.31.58 South Africa
17 Nicki Mocke 1st Lady 1.31.59 South Africa
18 James White 1.32.39 Australia
19 Craig Graham 1.33.03 Australia
20 Simon de Speville 1.34.32 Mauritius
21 Kobi Simmat 1.34.49 Australia
22 Paul Laforet 1.35.14 Reunion
23 Jason Cunningham 1.35.48 Australia
24 Cameron Cox 1.35.57 Australia
25 John Bush 1.35.58 Australia
26 Rob Hansen 1.36.01 South Africa
27 Calvin Herman 1.30.01 South Africa
28 Symon Luke 1.38.56 South Africa
29 Ruth Highman 2nd Lady 1.39.43 Australia
30 Gerard Martin 1.40.14 Mauritius
31 Luke Moses 1.40.15 Australia
32 Michael Mckeogh 1.40.20 Australia
33 Kirby Mackintosh 1.40.53 Namibia
34 Mark Rogers 1.41.55 South Africa
35 Alastair Currie 1.42.48 Australia
36 Lee Furby 1.42.45 South Africa
37 Anton Holtzhaussen 1.44.19 South Africa
38 Jake Moses 1.44.37 Australia
39 Kobus Dreyer 1.44.55 Dubai
40 Samantha Murray 3rd Lady 1.45.00 South Africa
41 Sylvain Emery 1.45.14 Reunion
42 Kevin James Newell 1.45.49 Australia
43 Stephen J. Harrisson 1.45.50 Australia
44 Rick Harrisson 1.47.02 Australia
45 Ronal I. Younger 1.48.08 Australia
46 Dean Tomson & Brice Brostow Double 1.48.20 Mauritius
47 Peter Farmer 1.48.41 Australia
48 Jean Baptiste De Speville 1.48.57 Mauritius
49 Gary Maughen 1.49.20 Australia
50 Andrew Gray 1.49.32 Australia
51 Richard A. Yates 1.49.37 Australia
52 Mariano Scandizzo 1.50.59 Argentina
53 Sharon Armstrong 4th Lady 1.50.01 South Africa
54 Andrew Topman 1.50.03 Mauritius
55 John Woolf 1.50.23 Namibia
56 Tricia Gilbert 5th Lady 1.50.26 Australia
57 Paul Petterson 1.50.50 Australia
58 Nathan Hanns 1.52.00 Dubai
59 John Fleming 01:52:09 Australia
60 Rudi Liedenberg 01:52:12 Dubai
61 John Carl Contessi 01:52:25 Australia
62 Jean Marc Hardy 01:52:38 Reunion
63 Tim Redman 01:53:01 Mauritius
64 Tahnee Fleming 6th Lady 01:53:04 Australia
65 David James Caly 01:53:34 Australia
66 Eddie Stafford 01:53:38 Mauritius
67 Barry Lewis 01:53:49 Dubai
68 Ryan Roberts 01:54:09 South Africa
69 Hugo Eugene 01:54:42 Namibia
70 Tony Lubner 01:56:07 South Africa
71 Rob Cruze 01:57:25 Australia
72 Mark Mc Donald 01:58:10 Australia
73 Paula Stone 7th Lady 01:58:12 Australia
74 Andrew Vegglio 01:59:10 Mauritius
75 Kim Parkes 01:59:59 South Africa
76 Emily Chetwin 8th Lady 02:03:17 Australia
77 Wayne Wong 02:11:16 Australia
78 Dave Ferguson 02:11:25 South Africa
79 Nick Last 02:11:59 Australia
80 Peter James Fannon 02:12:31 Australia
81 Nat Bradford 02:16:48 South Africa
82 Sara Morse 9th Lady 02:16:50 Australia
83 Kassie James 10th Lady 02:20:47 Australia
84 Anja Weilh 11th Lady 02:29:21 South Africa
85 Robert A. Moriarty 02:29:26 Australia