Mocke, Mocke and Mocke in Cape Town…

Sunday, 09 December 2012 17:09 | Written by  Gameplan Media
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Jasper Mocke sprints to the finish of the 2012 Peter Creese Lighthouse race in Fish Hoek Jasper Mocke sprints to the finish of the 2012 Peter Creese Lighthouse race in Fish Hoek Credits: John Hishin

Fish Hoek – Local paddler Jasper Mocke sounded an early warning on Sunday 9 December when he narrowly outsprinted his older brother Dawid to claim the iconic Peter Creese Lighthouse race, the first of three events making up the inaugural Fish Hoek Surfski Festival. Nikki Mocke dominated the women’s race, winning by nearly 5 minutes.

Challenging Conditions

With a South Easterly wind blowing at over forty kilometers per hour paddlers not only had to overcome their fellow competitors but ensure they survived the elements as well.

(By long standing tradition the race is held no matter what the conditions are.  Today's was one of the more testing occasions!)

“Super stoked”

Having only recently returned from a prolonged stint overseas Mocke showed good speed and endurance to power to victory ahead of his regular Cape rivals.

“It was a really tough day out there today with such a strong wind blowing,” said Mocke. “I’m obviously super stoked with the win especially with it being the first race of the new Fish Hoek Surfski Festival.

Peter Creese Lighthouse Race

The start (self still standing, waiting for the set to come through, looking like an idiot)

“I got back in South Africa two and a half weeks ago and then spent a couple of days in Jeffrey’s Bay but since I’ve been back in Cape Town I’ve been training quite hard and have been feeling good because even though it’s been intense I’ve also been really relaxed which has meant I’ve been able to focus purely on paddling without any distractions.

“Today’s win is obviously not the be all and end all with the next two weeks being the main focus and there will definitely be more guys coming through for the next two races but I definitely would have rather had a good one today than not have,” he added.

Slow but steady

Conditions meant a patient approach was required by all as a slow early pace on the first leg into the tough headwind was set with no one prepared to work too hard early on.

Peter Creese Lighthouse Race

The paddlers had to grind into the 20-25kt wind and waves for 5km to the lighthouse.  The wind strengthened and the sea went berserk for the last 500m as if angry that we had the temerity to challenge it.

“Most guys sat together in a group for the first five kilometers on our way out to the lighthouse because everyone knew it was going to come down to the 5km sprint on the way back,” said Mocke. “Initially it was quite a big group with all the top guys and some of the really good juniors up there as well

“As we approached the lighthouse Dawid (Mocke), Tom (Schilperoort) and I moved up towards the front so we could make sure we got around the lighthouse cleanly.

Peter Creese Lighthouse Race

It was advisable to take a wide berth around the lighthouse...  One highly experience paddler was tumbled by a breaker and had to be rescued by the ever-alert NSRI

Peter Creese Lighthouse Race

If you knew what you were doing, you could take a line between the the lighthouse and the reef (closer to the camera in this shot).

“With all the big breakers breaking on the reef and the rocks we had to take quite a wide line on our way around but as we got around it was like a switch had been flicked and the guys were off.

“Dawid and I managed to get away on a couple of runs and were dicing each other for quite a while. Suddenly I noticed Simon (van Gysen) and Tom had moved up on our inside and were only thirty meters or so back so we really had to start watching them too and it was definitely still a four boat race with one kilometer to go.

“I was still leading though as we came into Fish Hoek bay and was feeling quite good but all of a sudden Dawid closed the gap of ten or fifteen meters that I’d had and it we were neck and neck. Fortunately I managed to pull over a wave and that was enough to give me the win.”

Dawid Mocke

Dawid Mocke - now paddling the Fenn Glide - arrives back at the beach in second place

Women’s Race

In the women’s race Nikki Mocke, wife of Dawid, powered home to a comfortable win, finishing five minutes ahead of her nearest rival and too will take some good momentum into the rest of the festival.

Nikki Mocke

Nikki Mocke dominated the women's race

Kim van Gysen and Bianca Beavitt claimed the remaining two spots on the podium whilst Dominic Notten and Kirsten Flanagan claimed the junior boys and girls races respectively.

Lighthouse Race - Rob Mousley's GPS Track

[Editor: What's pretty cool about this is that I took 48min to get to the lighthouse and 24min to get back...]



Next Up: Cape Town Downwind - Final World Series Race

With the focus for many of the world’s best open ocean paddlers now shifting to next weekend’s Cape Town Downwind, the final leg of the Oceanpaddler World Series and South African S1 (single seater surfski) Champs, Mocke knows all too well the shift in gear that will be required in the near future.

“The standard down here in the Cape is always really high but to have the best guys from around the country and the world coming is really exciting,” said Mocke.

Longer races

“Today’s style of racing was very different to the next two weeks. This week’s race was more of a head to head shoot out whereas with next week being longer race tactics may come into play more and then the Cape Point Challenge is a very different race and is all about conserving energy.”

“It’s going to be a really interesting few days of racing though and to have it all happening in Fish Hoek is great,” he added.

More info can be found at 

Cape Town Paddling Festival



1 00:51:00 Jasper Mocke Senior 1st
2 00:51:11 Dawid Mocke Senior 2nd
3 00:51:21 Simon Van Gysen Senior 3rd
4 00:51:32 Tom Schilperoort Senior 4th
5 00:51:52 Sean Rice Senior 5th
6 00:52:14 Dominic Notten Junior 1st
7 00:52:21 Kenny Rice Junior 2nd
8 00:53:52 Ashley Carstens
9 00:53:54 Benjamin Biggs Alasdair Glass Double 1st
10 00:53:59 Barry Lewin
11 00:54:08 Brandon Kilbride
12 00:54:36 Craig Flanagan Junior 3rd
13 00:56:06 Ian Trautmann
14 00:57:22 Justin Maddock
15 00:57:31 Steve Farrell
16 00:57:35 Ashley Barnes Peter Cole Mixed Double 1st Doubles 2nd
17 00:57:51 Daniel Kantor
18 00:57:55 Adam Bothma
19 00:58:23 Ivan Kruger
20 00:58:33 Graham Solomon
21 00:58:35 Phil Pla Dale Lewis Doubles 3rd
22 00:59:20 Nick Van Zyl Mark Gevers
23 00:59:34 Nick Longley
24 00:59:58 Shanti Stuart
25 01:00:00 Jean Austin
26 01:00:03 Brendon Curren
27 01:00:06 Bruce Neill
28 01:00:13 Nicholas Notten
29 01:00:19 Tallon Denovan Marco Zunpt
30 01:00:25 Robert Hart Anders Hart
31 01:00:46 Matthieu Gru
32 01:00:51 Gary Carstens
33 01:01:06 Nikki Mocke Women 1st
34 01:01:09 Lyle Maasdorp
35 01:01:13 Benjamin Brown
36 01:01:25 Paul Eyquem
37 01:01:52 Anthony Pearse Gill Anderson
38 01:02:46 Andrew Turner
39 01:03:06 Tyrone Smolders
40 01:03:54 Mike Schwan
41 01:03:59 Willem Erasmus
42 01:04:21 Sean McGuigan
43 01:04:44 Wayne Knutsen Gareth Pinkney
44 01:06:08 David De Waal David Murraysmith
45 01:06:15 Alex Topliss
46 01:06:57 Dominic Strano
47 01:07:42 Kim Van Gysen Women 2nd
48 01:08:11 Bianca Beavitt Women 3rd
49 01:08:58 Shaun Butler
50 01:09:10 Rob Wilmot
51 01:09:27 Mark Smith
52 01:10:31 Guy Chaston Dave Hitchkock
53 01:10:32 Angie Mouden
54 01:11:00 Eloise Horne
55 01:11:18 Samantha Murray Anna Notten  Doubles Women 1st
56 01:12:30 Daniel Schilperoort
57 01:13:29 Charl Dreyer
58 01:14:21 Phillip Olckers
59 01:15:16 Paul Lange
60 01:15:35 Rob Mousley
61 01:15:47 Andrew Crook Dave Fernandes
62 01:16:14 Uli Hart Lis Hart
63 01:16:44 Anton Cartwright
64 01:16:54 Chloe Bunnett
65 01:17:11 Johann De Wet
66 01:17:14 Kirsten Flanagan
67 01:17:51 Andrew Hardie
68 01:18:18 Garth Watters
69 01:19:24 Quinton Miller
70 01:19:42 Amy Hare Candice Murray
71 01:19:46 Nick Rockey
72 01:20:36 Costa Domopoulos
73 01:21:57 Stuart Bristo
74 01:28:29 Richard LeMesurier
75 01:29:06 Robyn Smith
76 01:30:58 Andre Jooste
77 01:31:11 David Fox
78 01:32:39 Kyle Corbett
79 01:33:47 Adriaan Hoeben
80 01:39:35 Lennart Ohlsson