Latest Surfski News

Saturday, 10 October 2009 06:28 | Written by
A few months ago we posted an article on a new surfski designed by Nordic Kayaks in Sweden. Notable was the innovative hardtop option, designed to keep the paddler dry during winter paddling when the water approaches freezing point. {mosimage} 
Monday, 05 October 2009 03:14 | Written by
The Fish River Marathon is one of the biggest paddling races in South Africa - this year's race had over 1,400 competitors...  The pic shows the only surfski [Editor: "only"? maybe not - see comment below] in the event, paddled by Tom Schilperoort!  {mosimage} 
Thursday, 17 September 2009 03:34 | Written by
No matter how many times I've rounded Cape Recife - and I've been going there all my life - I feel a mixture of respect and fear; if you don't it will eat you. -Richard von Wildemann Richard 'Chopper' von Wildeman rides a biggie near Cape Recife - Dec 22, 2008
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 05:46 | Written by
Is it time for Surfski racing to have its own International Federation? In my opinion, the answer to that is a resounding yes…{mosimage} 
Friday, 11 September 2009 04:01 | Written by
The big news in ocean racing in Australia is the official endorsement of by Australian Canoeing (AC) of ocean racing as a sport discipline under the AC banner.  {mosimage}
Wednesday, 09 September 2009 01:55 | Written by
[Editor: Tom Schilperoort is a man of many talents - artist, elite paddler among them!  Now he's working to reduce the difficulties experienced by beginner paddlers who are starting out.  Please help him by answering the survey.] {mosimage} 
Thursday, 03 September 2009 06:52 | Written by
3 September 2009, Port Elizabeth, South Africa: The body of 37-year-old Barry Guy Marshall was recovered from the sea 10nm off Port Elizabeth according to NSRI spokesman Craig Lambinon. {mosimage}
Tuesday, 18 August 2009 19:45 | Written by
Martin Barnes sent us this photo... taken by his buddy Derek Leitch on 17 August 2009.  Derek has a 24th floor appartment overlooking Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. {mosimage} 
Saturday, 01 August 2009 10:14 | Written by
[Editor: Dawid Mocke is known for going out hard from the start...  and sometimes choosing the wrong line.  Here's the story of his last three big races...] {mosimage}
Sunday, 19 July 2009 05:02 | Written by
Following the tragic loss of his nine year old daughter to cancer, Craig Goozee decided to paddle, run and cycle 12,500km around Australia to raise $1,000,000 for the Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia…{mosimage}