Nelo Vanquish AIR review

5 months 2 weeks ago - 4 months 3 weeks ago #41064 by zachhandler
I bought a lightly used Vanquish AIR ten weeks ago. Since then I have logged a bit over 200km downwind and maybe twice that much on the flat. I thought I would post a real world review as there is not much online about this boat. This is a long review; the TLDR version is that the Vanquish is probably the strangest boat I have ever paddled…and yet I absolutely love it!
What is the Vanquish?
The Vanquish is Nelo’s tweak of their short and skinny 560 surfski. It has the same length and width as the 560, but has added volume in the stern in the form of chines. The concavity that Nelo added to their 2020 boats is present, but it has been made quite a bit longer. The goal according to Nelo was to preserve much of the speed of the 560, while increasing stability and maneuverability.
This ski has a deep bucket. You really sit down in the ski, almost like you are wearing it. I like this overall. It gives a sense of control and stability, though as with all deep cockpit boats, remounting is a little harder, as is sitting side saddle with feet resting in the water. Ergonomics are very good in the Vanquish, basically similar to other Nelo I have paddled. There is a perceptible seat to heel drop and no noticeable hump to impede leg drive. The footplate is the standard nelo affair with ratchets to tighten or loosen the rudder lines. This all works well with no rubbing or banging of hardware. The seat itself has a relatively tight curvature at the bottom, which results in some unwanted pressure on my fairly wide sit bones. That is a me problem, not a Nelo problem, as I have that issue in many boats. I have built up the seat with contoured thin sheets of minicel foam, and comfort is improved.
New Nelo Bailer:
The way I usually mange a DeBrito or epic bailer is to set it halfway open on a downwind and then forget about it and just paddle. Basically I use bailers like a traditional scupper. The Vanquish however has a new style of bailer that requires active management. It is tensioned shut with a bungee and operated with a nudge of the the heel. It has only two positions - all the way open or all the way closed. The idea is that when a bailer is fully open it slows the boat down a lot (1 km/hr according to Oscar), so better to paddle with the bailer closed 99% of the time, and then occasionally open it to full to rapidly empty footwell. This works perfectly on the flat. Downwind, in practice, this means that there is water in the footwell 99% of the time, as water begins to accumulate as soon as the bailer is closed. This has taken a while for me to get used to. Initially it bothered me to have a 9kg ski with multiple kg of water lapping at my ankles, but I just kept reminding myself that an open bailer is much slower than carrying the extra water weight. I usually wait till I am on a good run and then kick the bailer open for about 5 seconds. I have gotten better at this, but I still don’t like being distracted by monitoring the water level and operating the bailer. It interrupts my attempts to achieve a zen-like flow state, and the act of kicking the bailer can create a momentary wobble. Nelo does make an extension that can be added to the bailer so that long legged paddlers don’t have to move their heel as far to operate the bailer. That might help, as a friend who has short legs, and therefore paddled my Vanquish with the foot plate much closer to the bailer, found operating the bailer effortless and intuitive.
Flat Water:
The Vanquish is fast on flat water. My aforementioned short-legged friend paddles a 560. He thinks the two boats are about the same speed on the flat. I think the Vanquish is a touch slower. But regardless, the Vanquish is fast, especially in sprint efforts. Under all out power the vanquish lifts up and resistance seems to disappear. I have sprinted this boat to 18 km/hr on the flat, which is faster than I have gone in any of my other skis or K1s. Stability is excellent on the flat. It rides wash intuitively. The bow does not catch floating leaves or sea weed.
Motorboat Wakes:
I spend a lot of time chasing motorboat wakes. The vanquish is very composed on the wake. In contrast to some other elite skis, there is zero instability when popping over the mound of whitewater just behind the motorboat to get inside the wake. Also in contrast to other elite skis, the vanquish is very at home riding outside the wake. The short length fits on steep wakes well, and because the boat turns so effortlessly, it is easy to change course and tuck back in behind the whitewater if needed.
Downwind is where the Vanquish gets weird, and also gets awesome! Nelo has made good on their promise of increased stability and maneuverability. The vanquish is sure-footed, nimble, and playful. While the 560 (according to my friend who paddles one) has a tendency to hold a line once underway, the Vanquish can seemingly turn in any direction at any point on the wave. At first the extreme maneuverability was a bit unnerving to me. In fact the hull was so unaffected by wave shape that it felt like I was floating along on a pillow of air, quite removed from the bumps below me. It reminded me of driving a car with overly light “numb” steering, and maybe doing so in the winter with a little bit of snow on the road. At times I would oversteer and the tail would whip around unexpectedly. This experience was unlike any ski I had been in before, and I was initially wondering if I had made a mistake in buying this ski. But after about three downwind runs I began to adjust to its strange dynamics, and since then I have really fallen in love with this ski.
Because the boat can turn so sharply and quickly, it creates more options on the wave. Moves that in a different ski would be out of reach, are possible in the Vanquish. I can see a move very late, and still have time to get the boat pointed the right way and just make it happen. This has allowed me to become a more creative paddler. I go through openings and onto waves that I normally wouldn’t, simply because I can do it and I am curious. Sometimes these whimsical choices work out well, and sometimes they dont. But when they don’t turn out well, the Vanquish is so nimble that it is very easy to steer out of a less-than-ideal situation. Basically the Vanquish encourages me to get into all sorts of strange situations, but it also almost always gets me out of all those situations with minimal loss of speed. This is very liberating. I see opportunities everywhere, and I just take them to see what will happen. I end up turning more than I do in other skis. I find myself side surfing way off to the left of my paddling partners, and then zip back, and then the next thing I know I have gotten myself way off to the right. And so on and so forth.
I used to own a current generation 550, and while it was a solid all around ski, and great on low angle waves, I found that on the steep limited-fetch waves I usually paddle, it was a bit of a trough-hog. It had a lot of tail volume and I never got very good at keeping that ski high on the wave. I was apprehensive that the Vanquish might be similar, with its increased tail volume, but that is not the case. The Vanquish is actually very easy to keep high on steep waves, either by leaning back, or, as I usually do in this boat, surfing diagonal. The bow on the Vanquish rarely gets buried in the wave ahead, and when it does, it is fortunately without much loss of speed. And when it is time to power forward onto the next wave, there is plenty of speed available.
In my experience the vanquish surfs wonderfully, but it does not surf smoothly. Maybe that is a result of the odd shape and sharp angles. It is not one of those skis that carves a long graceful arc when leaned it on edge. Its movements can be abrupt and jerky, and as mentioned before, it is low on boat feel. But it basically goes wherever I tell it to and executes all kinds of goofy ideas without protest. It surfs in a different way than the smooth surfing boats do, and I have really grown to like it.
Build Quality:
My vanquish is the ultra-light AIR layup. I have not weighed it, but it feels like the 9kg advertised weight is accurate. I have had a couple issues with my ski. The black kevlar seam tape was not adequately wetted out with resin and was leaky. I fixed that by painting the seam tape with epoxy while sucking on a tube that I had hooked up to the breather hole, to pull the resin deeper into the cloth. The SCS and WWR construction have hidden seams, so this would not be an issue on those heavier layups. The other gripe I have with my boat’s construction is that the coarse screws that hold the wave deflector and leash anchor onto the boat are simply drilled right through the carbon layup with no hardware or other backing on the inside of the boat. This is in contrast to the WWR layup 550 that I had previously. On that wider and heavier ski, the screws were threaded into metal anchors that were glassed into the inside of the boat. Perhaps not using anchors was a weight saving decision Nelo made with the AIR layup. At any rate the leash anchor point on my ski made me nervous, so I reinforced it with a plug of thickened epoxy and glass fiber inside the boat.
The Vanquish is a boat that excites me every time I paddle it. It is making me a better paddler by allowing me to be more creative downwind. Its handling is not smooth, but its agility and stability more than make up for that. It has brought new enthusiasm to my paddling. It is fast on the flat and in the bump. It does well with steep and with low angle waves. I have actually recorded my fastest downwind ever in the vanquish. I did have a couple of issues with the build of the AIR layup, but I was able to sort those out. Bottom line, if my Vanquish were stolen, I would order another.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 4 months 3 weeks ago by zachhandler.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Atlas, Pereira

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5 months 1 week ago #41083 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Thank you for your insight Zach, it is really useful.
I own a current 550 WWR in ML and considering the upgrade to the Vanquish. How does the stability and flat water speed compares to the 550? In which size do you own these skis?

I have the same issue like you had with the 550, that it likes to burry its nose and it is not easy to keep it on top of the wave. I was wondering if it was due to the low volume of the ML size. ( I am quite lightweight, 65kg)

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5 months 1 week ago #41084 by zachhandler
It has been 2 or 3 years since I sold my 550 so i can’t really do a head to head comparison. I am 80kg and paddle size L. I think the Vanquish is a lot faster than the 550 on the flat. It os hard for me to tell the flatwater stability difference because the both felt very stable to me on the at. Downwind it is noticeably less stable then my 550 was, but I never need a brace stroke. The one downwind i did in a 560 i did have to brace occasionally and I remember thinking it would take a little while to get used to the stability.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
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5 months 1 week ago #41085 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
It sounds promising. I am wondering what is brewing in the pipelines of Nelo. It seems like they started to rework their models in the new 62 style. Would be good to know if the Vanquish gonna get the same treatment in the near future.

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5 months 6 days ago - 5 months 6 days ago #41089 by zachhandler
I was just in the world surfski champs in madeira, where I rented a 550. Conditions in the race were 2 km of chaotic wash and side chop to a turn buoy, 8 km of amazing downwind, and then about 12 km of hellacious upwind with nasty rebound waves and current. The 550 was great in the downwind. Upwind the speed of the vanquish would have been an asset when I was trying to stay with packs of nitro 640s and other elite skis. But overall the 550 was great. Noticeably more stable than the vanquish in messy conditions. I was able to look around and never thought about stability at all. For my wide tender sit bones, however, I was much more comfortable in the 550L than the vanquish L. They seat pans are very different in those two skis. If I could get a 550 bucket in a Vanquish I would be a pig in shit as they say.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 5 months 6 days ago by zachhandler.

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5 months 5 days ago #41090 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Congrats for making through the race in Madeira, all the reports I have seen suggests that it was a tough one, I guess the 550 was not a bad choice after all.

I just wanted to comment on your review on the new Nelo Bailer.
For me it seems like you have a faulty one. In my boat there is a deBrito, but I have ordered a new Nelo type to eventually replace the deBrito. So I have it here on my desk :)
On the Nelo bailer`s moving part`s outer walls there supposed to be two pairs of small bumps. One to hold the bailer in a slightly and another one to hold it in a fully open position. On the first bailer I received these bumps were to shallow and they could not hold the bailer open in any position, the bungee pulled it straight back to closed. Nelo sent me a replacement with increased bumps and that one seems to work just fine.

There is a defined slightly open and a fully open position, just like on the deBrito. You might have one from the early batch with the same issue that mine had. Eventually the bungee is too tight.
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5 months 5 days ago - 5 months 5 days ago #41091 by zachhandler
My wording must have been misleading. Mine does have the bumps and they do work. I simply wish that I could lock the bailer in a halfway position, like on the standard debrito. I did get a chance to look at the new nelo 62 and 61 in Madeira, and noticed that they use an old fashioned fixed venturi similar to what you would find on a Fenn. The footplate appears unchanged, with the exception that instead of a foam traction pad, they use cork. The cork looks really sharp and gives the boat some local Portuguese flair!

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 5 months 5 days ago by zachhandler.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Pereira

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5 months 3 days ago #41092 by Slowpop
Replied by Slowpop on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Hi Zach,
Hoping for some advice which is off topic, but you mentioned using a Nelo 550 at the Champs in Europe. I'm interested in owning one but have no local dealer.
Can you provide some feedback on its up-wind performance, i.e. any bow slap, does it slice through the chop or tend to bounce. I paddle in steep chop in strong winds on a river and 50% of the time I'm paddling into the wind or across it.
I am a bit lighter than you at 73kg, but any indicative feedback would be appreciated.

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5 months 3 days ago #41093 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Although it was not me who you addressed, but I have owned a 550 gen2 WWR in size ML for almost 4 years now so I have some experience with it.

In side chop it is very stable, the waves will roll under you without tipping you too much. Due to the low profile of the hull the sidewind will have little effect as well.

In head wind it cuts through the smaller chop nicely, but it will climb onto bigger head on waves, In both situations it needs to be noted that the sidewalls of the bucket are low and the water will come over it very often. In exchange it makes the remounting pretty easy.
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5 months 3 days ago #41094 by Slowpop
Replied by Slowpop on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Thankyou much appreciated. I will be buying the boat without testing it so a little nervous

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5 months 3 days ago #41095 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
I know the feeling, I did the same :)
What boats do you have experience with?

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5 months 3 days ago - 5 months 2 days ago #41096 by zachhandler
I was about 73 kg a few years ago when I owned a 550. As a lighter paddler coming from full length skis, I found the shorter 550 much easier to handle in side winds. For upwind it definitely benefits from the wave deflector that comes with it. The short nelos pretty much need a wave deflector in downwind big waves.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 5 months 2 days ago by zachhandler.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Pereira

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5 months 2 days ago #41097 by Slowpop
Replied by Slowpop on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Thankyou Zach, from my limited experience I think shorter boats are more fun on enclosed waterways where you have strong breezes.
MMaister , I have been paddling Think Evo2 and 3 boats for about 10 years but for storage reasons needed a short ski and I purchased a second hand Allwave Mistral about 2 years ago. I really wanted a Nelo 520 but they rarely come up for sale. The Mistral is an unusual boat, it has virtually no rocker in the hull. It’s great for catching small bumps but upwind paddling is a lot harder than it really should be, hence my initial question to Zach.

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5 months 23 hours ago - 5 months 23 hours ago #41098 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
After the EVO it will be no issue to get used to the 550. I paddle on a large lake with tight, steep waves when it really blows. The 550 with its short length works great here. As already mentioned by Zach, the wave deflector is necessary both in headwind and downwind situations, but it is included in the package.
Last edit: 5 months 23 hours ago by MMaister.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Slowpop

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4 months 1 week ago #41114 by DomRein
Replied by DomRein on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Thanks for the great review Zach!
I was wondering if anyone had any comparative insights into how a Nelo Vanquish M/L Air would compare to a NK Storm 570..? In my view these boats would cater to about the same type of paddler, but I haven't been able to find much insight into the question. Even though I could paddle both boats, the timing was months apart and the Vanquish was only vailable in an L, so my comparison wasn't really that useful.
I'd be keen to know if anyone has any experience with these two models. Personally, I'm mostly interested in stability and bucket shape differences... having both next to each other would be ideal, but unlikely to happen. I currently paddle a Nelo Viper 46 Ski, mostly on Flatwater, and would be interestd to go a bit longer and less wet :)
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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2 months 2 weeks ago #41209 by Pereira
Replied by Pereira on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review

I was wondering if anyone had any comparative insights into how a Nelo Vanquish M/L Air would compare to a NK Storm 570..? In my view these boats would cater to about the same type of paddler, but I haven't been able to find much insight into the question.

Afaik, these boats are on different categories. The NK storm 570 is more stable and slower, something like a nelo 550. The vanquish should be faster and less stable.

I'm saying this in theory. I've paddled a NK 570 and Nelo 540, 550 and 560 but all on different occasions. Never seen a Vanquish ski, but I'm also interested in one.
Also worried about how it's situated in the new Nelo line, since they are changing it all after Oscar left. The new 62 seens too long for me and I don't like the low seat position. Anyone knows if it's really faster than the 560?

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1 month 2 weeks ago #41231 by Zch
Replied by Zch on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Thanks for the reviews!

I am considering buying a new Nelo 62 XXL, WWR

Have you seen any review online? Any info?


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1 month 2 weeks ago #41232 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review

I was wondering if anyone had any comparative insights into how a Nelo Vanquish M/L Air would compare to a NK Storm 570..? In my view these boats would cater to about the same type of paddler, but I haven't been able to find much insight into the question.
Afaik, these boats are on different categories. The NK storm 570 is more stable and slower, something like a nelo 550. The vanquish should be faster and less stable.

I would argue with this. I paddle an 550 ML regularly, and I had the chance to test a friend`s NK Storm 570, jumping from one bucket to the other. The Storm 570 was definitely more unstable than the Nelo 550. The Storm 570`s stability is comparable to the older Epic V10 both being more tippy than the Nelo.

The Nelo 550 is a surprising stable platform in its league.

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3 days 22 hours ago #41260 by MMaister
Replied by MMaister on topic Nelo Vanquish AIR review
Hi Zach,

I decided to order a Vanquish ML. But I am still unsure about the layup.

The WWR looks bombproof, I have a WWR 550, and it has been great although not a feather weight boat.

The SCS price feels like a lot of money for a marginal 1kg of weight gain. I have no intense to pimp my boat with multiple colours and custom graphics as I prefer the simple maintenance of a single coloured gelcoat.

The AIR seems like a mixed bag. The 9kg sounds great, but it seems like they made a number of shortcuts to achieve it. These are the thin and sensitive paint job, the insufficient anchoring of critical hardware and I have heard opinions claiming that the AIR layup is soft. Can you confirm that?

At the moment I am leaning towards the WWR. It is not the lightest but it has been solid over the last 5 years.
Is it worth the extra money to get the AIR?

Thank you :)

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2 days 23 hours ago #41261 by zachhandler
My AIR has no soft spots. Is the overall layup more flexible than other layups? Probably. When I have the boat resting in cradles and I sit in the cockpit and push my knees outward against the edges of the bucket, there is more flex than other boats. Certainly more flex than in a NK or Epic, and more flex than a Nelo WWR or SCS. Paddling however this flex is not something I notice. The wwr, scs, and air layups are all solid composite rather than a sandwich construction, so they are all going to have a bit of flex, but also greater resistance to cracks and punctures than stiffer layups. The hardware anchors on my AIR are not robust, and as in my review, I had problems with the kevlar seam tape not being wetted out. I agree the price jump from WWR to SCS is very big for very little weight saving. The AIR is extremely light, but in my opinion the main benefit of a light ski is that they are easier to carry. It makes me smile every time i lift up a super light boat. But personally I don’t think there is a big performance benefit on the water. Maybe one option is Nelo’s new AIR HC layup, which I believe is a carbon honeycomb sandwich layup, which should be very stiff. I don’t know how expensive it will be.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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