New Nelo 560 surfski

12 years 10 months ago #11284 by lubetsa
New Nelo 560 surfski was created by lubetsa
Nelo has come up with a new surfski - With dimensions 560X43 it should be a very light and fast boat (and fit into garages ;)). Does anyone have more info/photos of it?

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12 years 10 months ago #11421 by mckengmsurfski
I inquired to Nelo regarding the 560 Ski. I've been paddling a 2010 Vintage Ski for about a year and wanted to know how the 560 compared, especially in regards to paddling in the ocean. The response was: "The 560 is way more unstable than your vintage, it behaves well in the ocean, but it is hard to handle."
I had to re-read it... "... way more unstable than your vintage..."!?!
Doesn't mean I don't want one though... In fact, I know I want one. Could it be as fast as say an Atom? I like the sounds of that...
Can't wait to try one.

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12 years 10 months ago #11422 by JonathanC
Replied by JonathanC on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Thats funny, the Nelo web site classes both the vintage and the new 560 with a stability of 2

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12 years 10 months ago #11423 by mckengmsurfski
Yeah it does. Tells you how accurate a stability chart is I guess... I'd go with what the guy I talked to said over that stability chart.

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11 years 10 months ago #16378 by Scode
Replied by Scode on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Had a lesson with Tim Jacobs today and got to have a quick paddle of his new Nelo 560. It looked great and felt great. He is super impressed with it and it will be his ski of choice for up coming races. He said he hasn't been this excited by a new ski in a long long time. "Its super responsive on runs and very fast, I feel like a kid in a candy store again" he said.

It's the first time I've ever paddled a Nelo (Fenn paddler) and I what I really liked was the seating position. It really felt like you are up over your stroke compared to the Fenn. Anyway just thought its interesting that an elite guy such as Tim is going to be racing such a short ski compared with what the other elite guys are paddling.


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11 years 10 months ago #16381 by Kayaker Greg
Not sure what Tim weights but personally I like the shorter kayaks and ski's over the longer ones, so much more fun and easier to move through the water in my opinion and you don't get chucked around as much, and when the boat is moving around you feel a part of it and go with it instead of feeling half a step behind it and trying to regain your position with it.

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11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #16386 by lubetsa
Replied by lubetsa on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Nice feedback. I'm a K1 paddler most of the time (I live in Sofia, which is 400km from the nearest sea), but do as much as I can surfski in the summer. By chance we do have a brand new 560 (in sparkling yellow!) in the boat warehouse on the lake(not mine, but would be able to have a go on it for a weekend in the summer)! From what I hear the experience is as near to K1 as possible, which sounds fantastic (still hope for a bit more stability when in the rough sea).
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by lubetsa.

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11 years 10 months ago #16388 by Kocho
Replied by Kocho on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Would this be "Sofia, Bulgaria"? If so, we should hook-up as I am planning a trip there in the Summer (I'm native from that place) but have moved abroad long ago... I'd love to paddle a ski there a few times, though not sure if there are any for hire... My attempts to get in touch with the BG Epic Kayaks rep were futile last year...

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11 years 10 months ago #16399 by lubetsa
Replied by lubetsa on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Kocho we will sort you out with a rental when time comes - no problem. We have mostly V8's in BG unfortunately, but you will still be able to have some fun.

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11 years 10 months ago #16400 by lubetsa
Replied by lubetsa on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Here is a photo of the 560 next to my Plastex Fighter.

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11 years 10 months ago #16405 by Erhard Katzer
Thxs lubetsa for the foto. Do you think you could take further pictures from the 560 ski. Would be absolutely great. The pics from the Nelo website dont´t tell that much.

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11 years 10 months ago #16411 by Kayaker Greg
I so want to try one of these, got to sell some boats. :pinch:

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11 years 10 months ago #16421 by 1xsculler
Replied by 1xsculler on topic Re: New Nelo 560 surfski
Can we buy a 560, E construction, in the US and if so, where? I wonder if it will fit a guy 69kg, 1.88m?

current skis: SES Ultra. sculling boats: Fluidesign Lwt, Wintech, Empacher.

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11 years 10 months ago #16422 by mckengmsurfski
Contact Janet Findlay at Mississippi Kayaks (, she should be able to set you up.

Also, if you've not checked it out, take a look at the review of the 560 ski by Cliff Roach of Keystone Kayaks (

Hope this helps.
The following user(s) said Thank You: 1xsculler

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11 years 1 month ago #19827 by kwhatmough
Replied by kwhatmough on topic New Nelo 560 surfski
I'm interested to hear more about the Nelo 560 ski. I've read everything above but I'd like to hear more…

There happens to be a 560 for sale in my region, but it is a full day of driving to get there. So my first question is whether I could even fit in it:
Height 6'5" (195cm)
Weight 175lbs (80kg).

I understand that it is very tippy (almost as much as a full-on K1) and therefore way beyond my current ability, and I would use it only on flat water, keeping my current ski for everything else. My goal would be to someday paddle on flat water without swimming.

Would it be fair to say that it is K1-like is many respects (speed, stability, seat height / ergonomics)?
Is it fair to call it a "re-mountable K1"? (I don't care that it's not ICF-compliant).

Thanks in advance!

New boat, same old engine.

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11 years 1 month ago #19866 by Erhard Katzer
Replied by Erhard Katzer on topic New Nelo 560 surfski
First I'd say a 2nd hand 560 ski is worth a day trip!
I paddled the 560 at the worldchamps in vila do conde twice. I enjoyed it very much. It's hard to say if you fit in in it. I'm 180 and I think I used the middle position of the foot plate rails. Best would be to ask andre santos from nelo. Hips should fit into the 560. I've got 72kgs and it was absolutely great fitting.
It's fair to say it's close to a full k1. Seating position k1 like, stability k1 like. After a while I got used to different stability in the ocean. Steering very good. Drainage is poor. Maybe bullets may improve that a little. The lengh of 560 and the weight make it a highly recommended ski. Quality is nelo like.
I also ordered a 560 ski and should get it at the end of february. Can't wait to get it.
The following user(s) said Thank You: kwhatmough

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11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 3 weeks ago #19867 by 1xsculler
Replied by 1xsculler on topic New Nelo 560 surfski
Great little ski. 6' 5", no way unless your legs are very short. 6' 2" with 34" inseam, ok. Very, very tippy ski, considerably more so so that a V-14. My main interest in surfskiing is the challenge of tippy, tippy skis and the 560 fits the bill. Tim Jacobs, David Smith and Michele Eray can do it in dynamic conditions. Most mortals cannot.

current skis: SES Ultra. sculling boats: Fluidesign Lwt, Wintech, Empacher.
Last edit: 11 years 3 weeks ago by 1xsculler. Reason: error
The following user(s) said Thank You: kwhatmough

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